Monday, October 3, 2011

Home Is Where The Pickles Are

I surprised my family and went home this past weekend. I had no intention of going home because gas is really expensive, but a few of my friends were going home so they talked me into riding with them. (thanks Ryan and Christian!)

Best. Idea. Ever.

I didn't say anything about coming home to my parents. Then I ran into a slight problem because my mom wanted to either A) overnight my machine that helps me breathe to fix my mama llama lung drama (Just in case you're wondering, I have no idea how/why I came up with that. But it rhymes!) or B) drive up to Starkville to see that I'm alive with her own two eyes. My oxygen intake level has been really low for the last week-ish, and apparently my parents were a lot more worried than they made me think. Clearly, they love me.. who knew. ;) Anyway, I came up with a nice little story and told my darling mother that my friend Drue was going home this weekend and would stop by on Friday to pick up my thingy. Needless to say, she was really excited when she opened the door and found her darling oldest daughter instead of Drue.

It was the perfect weekend to go home! My mom and I showed up at the football game on Friday and surprised my dad and sister. People probably thought my sister hadn't seen me in months/years due to the fact that she squealed/jumped up and down/hugged me for five minutes. We have separation issues. Then band contest and my dad's birthday was on Saturday, so I got to see the halftime show and be there for my dad's birthday party! AND I got to watch two Yankees ALDS games and the Saints game with my wonderful daddy. That's something I miss more than anything.

It was really, really good to be home. Between my mama llama lung drama and school kicking my butt, I needed mommy/daddy hugs and sleepovers/silliness with my sister. It was a really wonderful weekend filled with baking cakes, band stuff, and loving on sweet baby Livie! I really missed my family! I take them for granted for sure. They really are the best! I can't wait for Christmas when my brother will be home and all five of us will be together. Speaking of JT, cross your fingers and maybe mention his name when you're saying hey to Jesus every now and then. He's starting to interview for scary, grown-up world jobs that will determine where he lives after he graduates in May! So, fingers crossed. (Double crossed for somewhere closer than 14 hours away. Me no likey this distance.) I'm so proud of him!

I have four midterms and a paper due this week.. BOOOO. But that's okay. Thanks to the weekend I got my oxygen, hugs, and pickles. :) Pretty sure I can conquer the world (and physics) now.


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